Friday, May 9, 2014

So let's quadruple car rego

So we are constantly bombarded with the bicycle registration thing. "We pay for car rego? Why aren't those cyclists paying their share. User pays" and so on.
The fact the roads are not paid for in full by rego, not even close ($3.4 billion rego revenue, $15.7 billion in road expenses, source: Dept of Infrastructure) all taxpayers including cyclists foot the bill, doesn't seem to cut through. So I suggest in the spirit of user pays that car rego is quadrupled, so it goes at least close to recouping the outlay on roads. It's only at that point drivers will truly be able to say the rego pays for the roads, and they have a leg to stand on claiming their rego paid for the roads and asking cyclists to pay up.
So what say you drivers? Wanna quadruple your rego?

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